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    How a Little bit of Foam can Help You Get Rid of a Lot of Back Pain

    By on Last modified: November 30, 2017

    No matter how impeccable your posture, there is virtually no way you are able to hold it flawlessly throughout the entirety of your daily routine. In time, whether it will be at work, at home, or even while driving from your house to your job and vice-versa, you will get tired, and eventually you may start slouching more and more. Of course you won’t do it intentionally, and it won’t happen all at once, but gradually as time passes you will realize that you aren’t really paying attention to the way you hold yourself all that much anymore.

    Lumbar Roller

    With time, if you start to do this often enough, you may begin to feel mild or severe back pain. It’s important to mention that it isn’t necessarily true that back pain is caused by bad habit alone, but rather it is simply a repercussion that comes as a result of being busy throughout the day. And it is not as if most of our days aren’t stressful enough without constantly having to be worried if we are adopting the proper sitting position at all times.

    This is where a lumbar roller may come in as very useful. One of the most overlooked, yet still very essential contributions of the lumbar roller towards this goal is by removing the need to make you remember all together, and simply helping you with it. One of its other contributions includes the fact that you can take it anywhere and attach it to almost any kind of seat. If yours is a specific kind of chair or car seat (problematic when it comes to fastening it properly), there are many types of lumbar rollers since they vary in shape and size so that anyone can find the right fit.

    When it comes to deciding on the best possible option regarding where to attach, it’s advisable to consider where you need the most support – while you’re at your workplace, at home or when driving in your car. You can of course can one for every situation and ensure maximum support that way. Finally, no matter what kind you get or where you put it, at the end of the day you will still reap the benefits from it – keep your spine in its natural position, which will in turn allow you to be more energized and productive and feel more comfortable at the same time.