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    Gloves Vs Mittens: Which Is Better for Snowboarding and Skiing

    By on Last modified: August 26, 2022

    Having the right cold weather gear is essential to staying active outdoors in winter. This is especially true when it comes to skiing and snowboarding. Mountain conditions can change quickly, and you should be prepared for anything from severe winds and icy sleet to sun and mud.

    When shopping for your skiing or snowboarding apparel, one item you’ll want to pay special attention to is handwear like gloves and mittens. Whether you’re skiing or snowboarding, keeping your hands warm on the slopes may be the difference between hours of fun and icy fingers and too many hot chocolate breaks! Nothing is more uncomfortable than having chilly hands, therefore it’s well worth taking the time to select the proper equipment.

    man putting his hood up with snowboard gloves on

    The fact is that both ski gloves and mittens work well. Each has advantages, so it truly depends on what works best for you! Nowadays you can buy snowboard gloves and mittens for all occasions and conditions, and manufacturers frequently create both with the same basic design and materials.

    Comparing the two options, mittens tend to provide more warmth than gloves because your fingers share one compartment and create more heat that way. However, mittens also restrict movement and may need to be removed to access your pockets, answer your phone, or adjust your goggle strap while on the slopes (to be fair, in some cases you might have to take off your gloves to do these things as well).

    While gloves were originally thought to be an indication of a gaper, some professional athletes wear them for comfort. Now that you’ve learned the basics, let’s take a look at a few more in-depth factors to consider when selecting whether a glove or mitten is the best option for you.

    Mobility – Which is Easier to Move in?

    man dressed in full snowboard gear riding mid air

    Good ski and snowboard gloves are well insulated to keep heat in and have waterproof qualities to keep your hands dry, but these fantastic characteristics generally come with considerable heft. Moving your fingers while wearing ski gloves may be more difficult than you realize. Everything from gripping ski poles to the side of chairlifts and more should be considered.

    This is not to indicate that ski and snowboard mittens are any simpler to wear; in fact, mittens allow for less mobility and movement than gloves. In a mitten, your fingers are all in one “compartment,” as opposed to being separated in a glove. This allows you to wrap the mitten around ski poles with four fingers at once, and the thumb and fingers combo when zipping up tighter on the windy chairlift trips up the mountain may actually be simpler. However, a mitten may not be well suited for other tasks.

    Warmth – Which is Warmer?

    Although keeping all fingers together contributes to the warmth of ski mittens over ski gloves, insulation is what really ensures protection from cold. Insulated ski gloves individually wrap your fingertips, offering good coverage and lots of warmth. But what about ski mitten insulation? Ski mittens are similarly well-insulated, but they rely on your fingers being close together to create more heat.

    It’s also worth noting that not all ski mitts are created equal. Once inside the mitten, some feature specific spaces for your fingertips. Others are simply one compartment in which your fingertips will come in contact. If you decide to buy a mitten, read the descriptions carefully or try them on to ensure that it is the sort of mitten you are searching for.

    Breathability and Waterproofing

    fist bump with snowboard gloves on close up

    When looking to buy snowboard gloves and mittens you’ll notice that, just like ski jackets and leggings, they come with weatherproofing qualities to keep you warm, dry, and comfortable while out on the slopes. Breathability allows your skin to breathe and release any pent-up heat from your activities, allowing you to calm down and avoid sweating which causes your hands to get damp and chilly.

    Because not all ski hand-wear integrates breathability, if you tend to become overheated while skiing or snowboarding, make sure to check before purchasing whether your mittens or gloves have this characteristic. Waterproofing is a property found on most ski or snowboard specialist hand-wear, and it prevents water from reaching the surface of the gloves, keeping your hands dry even in a snowstorm.

    Other Features to Look For

    Other gloves and mitten characteristics that might increase comfort and convenience include:

    • Articulated Fingers – Some gloves feature pre-curved fingertips that make it easier to grab poles or chairlift bars.
    • Pockets with Zippers – This is commonly used for disposable hand warmers that may be inserted during colder weather. When temperatures rise, the aperture may function as a vent.
    • Wristband Loops – These are strings that tie to your wrists or coat, so your gloves don’t fall off if you drop them. They’re also known as “idiot straps.”
    • System of Wrist and Cuff Closure – This wraps over your wrist to hold the gloves securely in place. It is usually a zipper or a velcro-closure adjustable strap.
    • Nose Wipe – This is a soft, absorbent material on the outside of the thumb that you use to wipe your nose; it’s easier than digging in your pocket for a tissue.
    • Squeegee Mini – A rubber squeegee that is occasionally stitched on the thumb to assist clean your goggles.
    • Padding – To protect against rocks, trees, and race gates, some gloves incorporate cushioning on the back of the hand and on the knees.