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    It’s Always the Right Time to Buy Proper Bedding and Improve Quality of Sleep

    By on Last modified: January 27, 2017

    It’s a truth universally acknowledged quality of sleep is an important component of our lives. And yet, my attempt at austenising it and doctors’ advice on stressing out this importance aren’t enough to convince people to pay proper attention to it. It seems like the new way of life guided by technology is taking its toll on our lives, predominantly our sleep (with certain exceptions of course), so more often than not we make way for anything over our sleep time and that’s how all of a sudden everything becomes more important than sleep – work, watching TV, making plans for the next day, using electronics…


    First things first, it’s crucial to say bye to everything that’s present in the bedroom that serves as a distraction from allowing one to doze off, such as mobile phones, laptops as well as TVs. Then again there’s also diet to take into account for a perfect sleep; you can’t expect to have a quiet night by binging on alcohol and coffee just before you head off to bedfordshire (as Bridget Jones would say). However, many people still find themselves having trouble falling asleep even if they take care of the above mentioned points.

    The key to getting the healthy sleep and waking up well rested every single day lies in the bed, not just the choice of mattress but also the bedding. Instead of rushing to buy the first thing you find is well enough for your pocket try and look into the bedding and blankets online, choosing by materials. Since we spend a third of our lives sleeping, it’s an aspect of life that deserves the proper investment. For instance, an electric blanket won’t just be the ideal seasonal purchase that serves in those chilly autumn and winter nights but rather any time you want to sail away to dreamland fast.


    As peculiar as it may sound, and it’s not something we are accustomed to do, it’s recommended we sleep with socks on because they allow for blood vessels to dilate, signaling the brain it’s time for sleep. When you’ve done your search for blankets online and found your match, you wouldn’t need socks to set the right feet temperature and doze off as the blanket would do the job even better, causing faster falling asleep thanks to hands and feet vasodilation. You can drop out cheap synthetic sheets, full of toxins, out of your home and make way for natural options such as linen or bamboo. Bamboo is known for the perfect thermoregulation and durability, the combination that makes for a perfect choice.

    Don’t forget the super-soft pyjamas and the right pillow for your way of sleeping to avoid neck and back pain. And oh, make sure nice warm quick showers also become part of your bedtime routine as much as meditation. Night night!