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    Must-Have Items Tennis Players Should Have in Their Bags

    By on Last modified: February 25, 2022

    Tennis can be a very intense and demanding sport. If you’re a serious player, you spend most of your time in between the baseline and service line. Therefore, as far as gear goes, you’re going to need a few accessories that will help improve your play. Accessories such as clothing and shoes are important, but what about other items?

    There are several accessories an avid tennis player should have in their bag to make sure they perform at their best. While these items might not be a necessity for casual players, they could go a long way in helping you improve your game.

    Extra Towels

    Tennis players with towels

    Most players are well aware of the importance of having a towel in their bag, but after having played for a while and realizing how sweaty they get, they start to wonder just how many towels are needed or enough. There is no set number of towels a player should carry in their bag because it all depends on the person and how much they sweat.

    What we do know is that if you are playing at a club or public court, it is your responsibility to keep their facilities clean. So having extra towels with you cannot only help you cool off and dry off after your match, but also help keep the facilities clean if other people used them before or after you. Some players will prefer carrying around a regular towel, while others who prefer to buy tennis accessories specifically made for sports choose special towels.

    Always Bring a Water Bottle

    If you’re headed out to the court, odds are you’ll be there for a while. It’s important to stay hydrated, especially when it’s hot out. Tennis is an extremely active sport and can leave you dehydrated if you aren’t drinking water throughout the match.

    You may be on the court for an hour or more, depending on how long your match is. It is vital to stay hydrated while you exercise. Bring a water bottle with you to the tennis court and make sure you stay hydrated during your game or practice. You should not wait until you are thirsty, as that is a sign that you are already dehydrated. Drink frequently throughout your game or practice.

    If you do not want to carry a water bottle around, get a bucket for the side of the court where you can put your water bottle, so it is easily accessible during points. If there is no bucket available, bring something small and light to set your water bottle on top of so it does not roll off of the tennis court in between points.

    While you don’t need to down an entire bottle of water in between every point, do make sure to take regular sips throughout each set. This will prevent you from getting dehydrated which can lead to fatigue and headaches during your match.

    Do your best not to forget your on-the-go water bottle. Forgetting the water bottle is one of the most common mistakes that tennis players make. It’s also one of the easiest mistakes to avoid. Keep your water bottle in a place where you can remember to grab it before going out to play tennis.

    Some Overgrips

    Man installing overgrip on tennis racquet

    Overgrips are essential things you should have in your tennis bag if you are new to the sport or if you are a competitive player. They are thin but durable so you can use them for longer. You can choose to buy tennis accessories overgrips from different colours and thicknesses to suit your personal preference.

    One of the most important things about overgrips is that they improve your overall grip on the handle of the racquet. They also help maintain the life of your racquet’s handle by keeping it clean and dry. They absorb sweat and moisture, which would otherwise damage the racquet’s handle, especially when stored in a bag for long periods of time after playing.

    Sun Protection is a Must

    A good pair of sunglasses and a hat or visor is important to protect your eyes and face from the sun. The sun can cause a lot of damage to your skin too, especially if you play often or at the same time each day. Make sure that you invest in high-quality protection such as sunscreen and sunglasses with polarized lenses. You will enjoy playing tennis more if you block out the sun’s rays as much as possible.

    Socks Just in Case

    There are a few items that every tennis player must have in their bag. It’s a good idea to have a few extra pairs of socks in your tennis bag. What happens if one of them gets dirty during a match? You will always want to be prepared for anything.

    It’s also recommended to have foot powder in your tennis bag. The courts can be very hot and sweaty, which can make your feet uncomfortable and stinky. The foot powder can help reduce the odour. So next time you set out to buy tennis accessories add socks on the list, and make sure you include the powder too.

    First Aid Kit

    First aid kit in hand

    Tennis can be a very hard and aggressive sport, so tennis players should carry with them a first aid kit in case they get an injury. First aid kits are a must because they can help fix any injuries that may occur during the game. Also, first aid kits are small and light, so it is not difficult to carry one around with you at all times.

    Band-aids are among the most important items in the first aid kit. Tennis players get cuts on their fingers and toes all the time, as well as blisters on their feet. Band-aids are convenient because they are very small, yet they can cover up a cut or blister so that it does not get infected while you are still playing. There are also different kinds of band-aids such as waterproof ones which can be used during rainy days when you go outside to play tennis.

    Another item that every tennis player should have in their bag is pain relief ointment. When you start playing tennis, your muscles and joints will become sore as well as your head because of the constant movement that is required of your body. Pain relief ointment helps to reduce the pain or remove it altogether.

    To Sum Up

    The sport of tennis is as fun and exciting as it is competitive. There are many reasons why people choose to play it. Whether you’re out for a competition, or just there for the exercise, there are certain things you need in your tennis bag to help you perform at your best.